裸根,2-3分枝,加拿大境内在秋天快递发货,运费按实际邮费结算, 付款成功后扫二维码加微信联系。下单前联系园主416-616-6332
"Baiyuan xiaguang " is a pollen purple-colored, crown-shaped flower. The flowers are slightly larger and bloom on the leaves. The outer petals are divided into lobes, with large spots and wide white ribs. The inner petals are slightly smaller, layered and higher, with toothed-like tips. There are multiple sets of semi-circular spots between the inner and outer parts. The styles number 9-10 and have a reddish head, while the ovary has a light brown color and the stamens are pink. The plant is tall and robust, with large leaves consisting of 9 leaflets that are deep green with a yellowish indentation. It blooms for a long period and has a strong fragrance, making it a superior late-blooming flower. It is found in the Baihua Garden in Shangze, named by Li Jiayue in 2010.
The price already includes taxes. Shipping fees for delivery within Canada will be calculated separately, or you can choose to pick up the item locally. Contact the farmer before placing an order:416-616-6332
Emt :capeonygarden@gmail.com